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It’s Time to Stop learning tricks, hacks, and techniques. Now is the time to keep yourself accountable, take consistent action, and better yourself for the journey to becoming a King.
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It’s Time to Stop learning tricks, hacks, and techniques. Now is the time to keep yourself accountable, take consistent action, and better yourself for the journey to becoming a King.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Men Today are Bombarded with Information, Promises, and Hacks

Combatting information overload by taking consistent action every single day is the ONLY way to better yourself. 

You've come too far to let overwhelm and doubt stop you. 

There have been times in most of our lives when we enter ruts, find ourselves unmotivated, and feel completely stuck. 

In my time helping other men become Kings, I’ve noticed a few commonalities among us. 

On paper (or social media), it’s easier to pull the wool over our eyes that life is “good enough”. Yet when we dig deeper, there are deep resentments toward our everyday life. How do I have so much to be grateful for and yet I’m living so deeply unfulfilled?

Sometimes we hit hot streaks of progress – we begin improving ourselves, taking large leaps, and eventually, the fire burns out.

How do we obtain that consistent forward progress? 

Truth is, avoiding pain and seeking pleasure is a central part of our psyche. We’re cautious of harmful ideas and chase desirable outcomes. So what leads to harnessing clarity and creating massive results in life? 

These questions are why I created The Arena Brotherhood. 

When I was $40,000 in debt, picking up the pieces of a broken marriage, at one of the lowest points in my life, there wasn’t anyone to hold me accountable except myself

That made my feelings of fear, doubt, and insecurity that much stronger. 

Once I began helping other men and surrounding myself with like-minded people, I realized it didn’t have to be just you or me, alone. 

As men, we’re hardwired to stand and fight together to protect what we love. 

In ancient times, standing together meant utilizing teamwork and tribalism. 

Whether it was hunting, protecting our tribes, or surviving harsh weather, we always banded together. 

Now we’re taught to seek individualism and to take every obstacle on by ourselves. It’s the “manly” way to go about life. Yet the ONLY time men have stood alone is in modern society. 

We can still band together, and we MUST! 

For the modern man, taking persistent action every single day is how we accomplish our goals.

Keeping your brethren accountable is how we grow together. Growing, learning, and adapting to the obstacles of modern life is how we live with meaning.

We all want to better ourselves. However, it’s a struggle to keep yourself accountable when you’re taking everything on alone. 

That’s why I created a program dedicated to education, persistence, and accountability. 

I didn’t want men to join and never utilize the value. I want you to continue moving forward, make progress when you don’t feel like it, and surround yourself with men on similar paths. 

From a built-in, proven framework for keeping men accountable, to intense group challenges four times a year, there’s nothing like this program on the market. 

So, what will you actually receive when you join today?

Men today are bombarded with information, promises, and hacks. 

Combatting information overload by taking consistent action every single day is the ONLY way to better yourself. 

You've come too far to let overwhelm and doubt stop you. 

There have been times in most of our lives when we enter ruts, find ourselves unmotivated, and feel completely stuck. 

In my time helping other men become Kings, I’ve noticed a few commonalities among us. 

On paper (or social media), it’s easier to pull the wool over our eyes that life is “good enough”. Yet when we dig deeper, there are deep resentments toward our everyday life. How do I have so much to be grateful for and yet I’m living so deeply unfulfilled?

Sometimes we hit hot streaks of progress – we begin improving ourselves, taking large leaps, and eventually, the fire burns out.

How do we obtain that consistent forward progress? 

Truth is, avoiding pain and seeking pleasure is a central part of our psyche. We’re cautious of harmful ideas and chase desirable outcomes. So what leads to harnessing clarity and creating massive results in life? 

These questions are why I created The Arena Brotherhood. 

When I was $40,000 in debt, picking up the pieces of a broken marriage, at one of the lowest points in my life, there wasn’t anyone to hold me accountable except myself

That made my feelings of fear, doubt, and insecurity that much stronger. 

Once I began helping other men and surrounding myself with like-minded people, I realized it didn’t have to be just you or me, alone. 

As men, we’re hardwired to stand and fight together to protect what we love. 

In ancient times, standing together meant utilizing teamwork and tribalism. 

Whether it was hunting, protecting our tribes, or surviving harsh weather, we always banded together. 

Now we’re taught to seek individualism and to take every obstacle on by ourselves. It’s the “manly” way to go about life. Yet the ONLY time men have stood alone is in modern society. 

We can still band together, and we MUST! 

For the modern man, taking persistent action every single day is how we accomplish our goals.

Keeping your brethren accountable is how we grow together. Growing, learning, and adapting to the obstacles of modern life is how we live with meaning.

We all want to better ourselves. However, it’s a struggle to keep yourself accountable when you’re taking everything on alone. 

That’s why I created a program dedicated to education, persistence, and accountability. 

I didn’t want men to join and never utilize the value. I want you to continue moving forward, make progress when you don’t feel like it, and surround yourself with men on similar paths. 

From a built-in, proven framework for keeping men accountable, to intense group challenges four times a year, there’s nothing like this program on the market. 

So, what will you actually receive when you join today?
Introducing The Arena Brotherhood 
The Arena Brotherhood is for those men committed to creating results in life while becoming the best versions of husbands, fathers, community leaders, business owners, themselves they can be. As one of those men, you’ll be given access to the tools, resources, and being held accountable by a brotherhood of like-minded men who are pushing themselves to fight for their freedom from mediocrity. 

We’ll connect on a routine basis to ensure you’re creating abundance in your life. This way, you will not only experience greater levels of wealth, you’ll also experience deeper levels of confidence, connection with others, and a profound sense of contribution to the world. 

Throughout The Arena Brotherhood, you’ll improve every facet of your life so that you will no longer have to settle for “good enough” ever again.

Introducing The Arena Brotherhood 
The Arena Brotherhood is for those men committed to creating results in life while becoming the best versions of husbands, fathers, community leaders, business owners, themselves they can be. As one of those men, you’ll be given access to the tools, resources, and being held accountable by a brotherhood of like-minded men who are pushing themselves to fight for their freedom from mediocrity. 

We’ll connect on a routine basis to ensure you’re creating abundance in your life. This way, you will not only experience greater levels of wealth, you’ll also experience deeper levels of confidence, connection with others, and a profound sense of contribution to the world. 

Throughout The Arena Brotherhood, you’ll improve every facet of your life so that you will no longer have to settle for “good enough” ever again.

When You Join The Arena Brotherhood Today, You’ll Get:
  A Proven Planning System 
So that each week, you know what you need to do and by when, to ensure you achieve the outcomes that are most meaningful to you in your life.
  Accountability Check-Ins
Every Sunday, we’ll check in to ensure you’ve made progress towards our ultimate outcomes and to plan ahead for the following week. 
  Weekly Battle Plans 
Pre-built frameworks for accountability for you to stay on track and achieve your goals faster.
  Friday Wins
Begin every weekend with a victory by sharing your success during the week with your brothers. 
  Video Club
A fifteen-minute video filled with wisdom followed by forty-five minutes of conversation, takeaways, and questions with other brothers (I want you to get involved as a leader)!
  Quarterly Throwdowns
Four quarterly challenges designed to build habits and improve your life satisfaction using science-based tools like cold immersion, daily reading, and more.
  Monthly Meets
A monthly call (with a guest speaker) giving you insights on business, relationships, health, and ways to make money.
  Office Hours with Master Coaches
Struggling in any area of your life, bring your questions to certified and experienced coaches to assist in getting unstuck.
 A Proven Planning System: So that each week, you know what you need to do and by when, to ensure you achieve the outcomes that are most meaningful to you in your life.
 Accountability Check-Ins: Every Sunday, we’ll check in to ensure you’ve made progress towards our ultimate outcomes and to plan ahead for the following week. 
 Weekly Battle Plans: Pre-built frameworks for accountability for you to stay on track and achieve your goals faster.
 Friday Wins: Begin every weekend with a victory by sharing your success during the week with your brothers.  
 Video Club: A fifteen-minute video filled with wisdom followed by forty-five minutes of conversation, takeaways, and questions with other brothers (I want you to get involved as a leader)!
 Quarterly Throwdowns: Four quarterly challenges designed to build habits and improve your life satisfaction using science-based tools like cold immersion, daily reading, and more. 
 Monthly Meets: A monthly call (with a guest speaker) giving you insights on business, relationships, health, and ways to make money. 
 Office Hours w/ Master Coaches: Struggling in any area of your life, bring your questions to certified and experienced coaches to assist in getting unstuck.
The Brotherhood Arena Was Built to Assist Men in all Aspects of Their Lives
It’s built to instill positive habits into you – no bullshit excuses, just persistence towards the life you want to live. 

However, we’re all human. And that means we can enter states of mind that spiral us downward. 

Taking action becomes 100x tougher. I’ve been there before. 

That’s not even everything in The Arena Brotherhood. So I decided to throw in some free bonuses to ensure you’re held accountable.
  BONUS #1: Full access to my Win The Day online program. It’ll take you all the way from creating a vision & purpose, to setting clear objectives and goals that align with your weekly accountability through The Arena Brotherhood. 
  BONUS #2: Three different masterclasses a year pertaining to making money/business, relationships, and improving your health. These virtual masterclasses will include information about the topics we desire most. This bonus is free to all members and will be sold for hundreds to non-members.
  BONUS #3: A monthly Live Zoom with me where you can ask me ANYTHING. Other than being a premium 1-on-1 client of mine, this is a great opportunity where we’ll discuss some of the main topics for the month, how we’re all making little, consistent progress, and the solutions to losing your footing. Life is demanding and we don’t have all the answers, all of the time. It’s critical to always continue learning and adapting (I am too). 
When You Join The Arena Brotherhood Today, You’ll Get
  A Proven Planning System 
So that each week, you know what you need to do and by when, to ensure you achieve the outcomes that are most meaningful to you in your life.
  Accountability Check-Ins
Every Sunday, we’ll check in to ensure you’ve made progress towards our ultimate outcomes and to plan ahead for the following week. 
 Weekly Battle Plans
Pre-built frameworks for accountability for you to stay on track and achieve your goals faster.
 Friday Wins
Begin every weekend with a victory by sharing your success during the week with your brothers.  
 Video Club
A fifteen-minute video filled with wisdom followed by forty-five minutes of conversation, takeaways, and questions with other brothers (I want you to get involved as a leader)!
 Quarterly Throwdowns
Four quarterly challenges designed to build habits and improve your life satisfaction using science-based tools like cold immersion, daily reading, and more. 
 Monthly Meets
A monthly call (with a guest speaker) giving you insights on business, relationships, health, and ways to make money. 
 Office Hours with Master Coaches
Struggling in any area of your life, bring your questions to certified and experienced coaches to assist in getting unstuck.

 A Proven Planning System: So that each week, you know what you need to do and by when, to ensure you achieve the outcomes that are most meaningful to you in your life.
 Accountability Check-Ins: Every Sunday, we’ll check in to ensure you’ve made progress towards our ultimate outcomes and to plan ahead for the following week. 
 Weekly Battle Plans: Pre-built frameworks for accountability for you to stay on track and achieve your goals faster.
 Friday Wins: Begin every weekend with a victory by sharing your success during the week with your brothers.  
 Video Club: A fifteen-minute video filled with wisdom followed by forty-five minutes of conversation, takeaways, and questions with other brothers (I want you to get involved as a leader)!
 Quarterly Throwdowns: Four quarterly challenges designed to build habits and improve your life satisfaction using science-based tools like cold immersion, daily reading, and more. 
 Monthly Meets: A monthly call (with a guest speaker) giving you insights on business, relationships, health, and ways to make money. 
 Office Hours w/ Master Coaches: Struggling in any area of your life, bring your questions to certified and experienced coaches to assist in getting unstuck.
The Brotherhood Arena was built to assist men in all aspects of their lives. 
It’s built to instill positive habits into you – no bullshit excuses, just persistence towards the life you want to live. 

However, we’re all human. And that means we can enter states of mind that spiral us downward. 

Taking action becomes 100x tougher. I’ve been there before. 

That’s not even everything in The Arena Brotherhood. So I decided to throw in some free bonuses to ensure you’re held accountable.
  BONUS #1: Full access to my Win The Day online program. It’ll take you all the way from creating a vision & purpose, to setting clear objectives and goals that align with your weekly accountability through The Arena Brotherhood. 
  BONUS #2: Three different masterclasses a year pertaining to making money/business, relationships, and improving your health. These virtual masterclasses will include information about the topics we desire most. This bonus is free to all members and will be sold for hundreds to non-members.
  BONUS #3: A monthly Live Zoom with me where you can ask me ANYTHING. Other than being a premium 1-on-1 client of mine, this is a great opportunity where we’ll discuss some of the main topics for the month, how we’re all making little, consistent progress, and the solutions to losing your footing. Life is demanding and we don’t have all the answers, all of the time. It’s critical to always continue learning and adapting (I am too). 

Your Highest Calling is Within Reach When You Step Into The Arena

Do you remember the Barbarian Horde Battle scene from the movie Gladiator, where Maximus implores his fellow gladiators to work together?
“Whatever comes out of these gates, we have a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together, we survive.”
If you haven’t seen it, watch it below…
Life is nothing like it was back during the Roman Empire. However in a few key areas, not much has changed.

For too many men battle alone. 

They battle depression, isolation, loneliness, a lack of purpose and direction, addictions — you name it — there are countless men whose spirits are being crushed to the point of giving up on life, rather than continuing.

Three times more men are committing suicide than women... Why is that?

The truth is that everyday, you make the choice to either stay in the grandstands and passively watch your life unfold, or step into the arena and fight for your freedom.
Freedom from regret, shame, and accepting a life of mediocrity.
Many of the men I work with feel like something is missing from their lives, and if you’re here, you might too. What’s the point of this life if you’re feeling unfulfilled — if you’re not excited to make every day one step closer to where you want to be, owning the things you want, and doing what you want to do. 

As men, we’re told to provide a lot of stuff and be a lot of things. 

A nice house, brand new car, two kids and a dog, a robust investment portfolio, skills to be a hobbyist handyman, always working up the corporate ladder and earning more money, and more and more and more. But let me ask you...

Are all those things what YOU really want? Or are you just going through the motions, hoping that one day, when you’ve “made it,” THEN you’ll be happy?

The biggest enemy in our lives is complacency and empty achievement. Not because anything above is bad, it’s because only ever doing the things others think you should, or having what you think others will respect…

It means you’re never living your life for you. 
You need to step up and start striving to live the life you want — because nobody else is going to declare your desires for you. You don’t have to stuff feelings of emptiness, loneliness, or anger anymore. 

You can live a life that serves your needs, and brings the best out of you, by starting your journey right here, through The Arena Brotherhood. 

Your Highest Calling is Within Reach When You Step Into The Arena

Do you remember the Barbarian Horde Battle scene from the movie Gladiator, where Maximus implores his fellow gladiators to work together?
“Whatever comes out of these gates, we have a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together, we survive.”
If you haven’t seen it, watch it below…
Life is nothing like it was back during the Roman Empire. However in a few key areas, not much has changed.

For too many men battle alone. 

They battle depression, isolation, loneliness, a lack of purpose and direction, addictions — you name it — there are countless men whose spirits are being crushed to the point of giving up on life, rather than continuing.

Three times more men are committing suicide than women... Why is that?

The truth is that everyday, you make the choice to either stay in the grandstands and passively watch your life unfold, or step into the arena and fight for your freedom.
Freedom from regret, shame, and accepting a life of mediocrity.
Many of the men I work with feel like something is missing from their lives, and if you’re here, you might too. What’s the point of this life if you’re feeling unfulfilled — if you’re not excited to make every day one step closer to where you want to be, owning the things you want, and doing what you want to do. 

As men, we’re told to provide a lot of stuff and be a lot of things. 

A nice house, brand new car, two kids and a dog, a robust investment portfolio, skills to be a hobbyist handyman, always working up the corporate ladder and earning more money, and more and more and more. But let me ask you...

Are all those things what YOU really want? Or are you just going through the motions, hoping that one day, when you’ve “made it,” THEN you’ll be happy?

The biggest enemy in our lives is complacency and empty achievement. Not because anything above is bad, it’s because only ever doing the things others think you should, or having what you think others will respect…

It means you’re never living your life for you. 
You need to step up and start striving to live the life you want — because nobody else is going to declare your desires for you. You don’t have to stuff feelings of emptiness, loneliness, or anger anymore. 

You can live a life that serves your needs, and brings the best out of you, by starting your journey right here, through The Arena Brotherhood. 

See What Our Members Are Saying...

“The thing I enjoyed the most about The Arena Brotherhood was the relationships, meeting new people, and knowing that I had a couple guys specifically that we were linking elbows to share successes, struggles, and encourage one another.”

Greg avatar
Thomas G.
“The program has impacted my life in a couple ways: 1) I’m most motivated with accountability and having a group holding me accountable helped me get things done. 2) Having a brotherhood of folks to speak to about the good things and the challenging things, and really getting my sh*t together.” 
Wes avatar
Londell J.
“The thing that I really enjoyed, that really helps me, is accountability first and foremost. Being around other guys, and staying strong for others to make sure we’re helping each other out...And not only is my business good, I AM good.”
Yasmine avatar
Zach L.

What You're Missing If You Do Not Step Into The Arena


You’ll be held accountable by a brotherhood of like-minded men who are pushing themselves to fight for their freedom from mediocrity.


You will have access to proven action steps to build the life you’ve always dreamed of and wake up fulfilled every day. 


Band together with your brothers, to create a bond and move forward in achieving your goals. 

More From Our Members 

"Honestly, I've learned so much from this group. The coaches and men in The Arena Brotherhood are great support. Great to see men supporting men no matter what the topic is. The community brings in coaches from all walks of life to help with a multitude of topics. It's been life changing." 

- Patrick S.

“Before finding Johnny’s Arena Brotherhood, I always wondered if there were other guys like me who wanted to have deep, meaningful friendships. Something deeper than just drinking beer and watching the game together. As a guy who’s committed to a life of growth, I find it incredibly important to be surrounded by like minded men. This can be difficult however, because those types of guys are rare. But Johnny attracts these men because he is one himself. His brotherhood is full of ambitious, caring men who want to help each other overcome their struggles and succeed in all areas of life. I’ve made some great connections from this group and I’m happy to have found them!” 

- Owen H.
"The older I get, the more I realize how important it is for me to have a community of men who are not only like-minded but who are committed to seeing the best in each other rather than only seeing each other as competition. Who knew showing up and supporting other men could be so transformative and healing for me. Thank you Johnny!"

- Forest R.

See What Our Members Are Saying...

“The thing I enjoyed the most about The Arena Brotherhood was the relationships, meeting new people, and knowing that I had a couple guys specifically that we were linking elbows to share successes, struggles, and encourage one another.”

Greg avatar
Thomas G.
“The program has impacted my life in a couple ways: 1) I’m most motivated with accountability and having a group holding me accountable helped me get things done. 2) Having a brotherhood of folks to speak to about the good things and the challenging things, and really getting my sh*t together.” 
Wes avatar
Londell J.
“The thing that I really enjoyed, that really helps me, is accountability first and foremost. Being around other guys, and staying strong for others to make sure we’re helping each other out...And not only is my business good, I AM good.”
Yasmine avatar
Zach L.

What Your Missing If You Do Not Step Into The Arena


You’ll be held accountable by a brotherhood of like-minded men who are pushing themselves to fight for their freedom from mediocrity.


You will have access to proven action steps to build the life you’ve always dreamed of and wake up fulfilled every day. 


Band together with your brothers, to create a bond and move forward in achieving your goals. 

More From Our Members 

"Honestly, I've learned so much from this group. The coaches and men in The Arena Brotherhood are great support. Great to see men supporting men no matter what the topic is. The community brings in coaches from all walks of life to help with a multitude of topics. It's been life changing." 

- Patrick S.

“Before finding Johnny’s Arena Brotherhood, I always wondered if there were other guys like me who wanted to have deep, meaningful friendships. Something deeper than just drinking beer and watching the game together. As a guy who’s committed to a life of growth, I find it incredibly important to be surrounded by like minded men. This can be difficult however, because those types of guys are rare. But Johnny attracts these men because he is one himself. His brotherhood is full of ambitious, caring men who want to help each other overcome their struggles and succeed in all areas of life. I’ve made some great connections from this group and I’m happy to have found them!” 

- Owen H.
"The older I get, the more I realize how important it is for me to have a community of men who are not only like-minded but who are committed to seeing the best in each other rather than only seeing each other as competition. Who knew showing up and supporting other men could be so transformative and healing for me. Thank you Johnny!"

- Forest R.

About Johnny King 

Before Johnny King became a bestselling author, podcast host, and a transformational coach for men to help them reach their highest potential, he first had to discover his own. 

Amidst the recession of 2010, Johnny found himself heavily in debt, jobless, and picking up the pieces of a failed marriage. He thought he was done… Little did he know it was just the start of his journey. He resolved to never experience hopelessness again. Moreover, to create a life he truly loves

Johnny is now an investor, entrepreneur, and supports men in reaching their highest potential and create the life of their dreams.

Mighty Network


About Johnny King 

Before Johnny King became a bestselling author, podcast host, and a transformational coach for men to help them reach their highest potential, he first had to discover his own. 

Amidst the recession of 2010, Johnny found himself heavily in debt, jobless, and picking up the pieces of a failed marriage. He thought he was done… Little did he know it was just the start of his journey. He resolved to never experience hopelessness again. Moreover, to create a life he truly loves

Johnny is now an investor, entrepreneur, and supports men in reaching their highest potential and create the life of their dreams.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and at the worst, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
- Teddy Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and at the worst, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” 
- Teddy Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
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